Our Aim
To mould every believer into the image of Christ and mobilise them to evangelise the world.
Whoever you are, wherever you are from, whatever connection you may have had with any church – you are always welcome at Liverpool Presbyterian Church. You may want to know more about the life of our church family, how to find out about the Christian faith or the types of ministry in which our church is engaged. By reading this you may learn something about us
Who Are We?
We are ordinary people whose lives have been changed and are being changed by God’s message to us about Jesus.
We think church gatherings are important and so we work hard at ‘getting it right’ (currently COVID-19) Safety Plan is implemented). We meet at 9.00am each Sunday. Our morning service is fairly traditional but is developing a family atmosphere. We are committed to proclaiming Christ and our teaching is centred around the Word of God, the Bible. We offer a Sunday School for children during school terms.
If you are interested in learning more about the Christian faith and who Jesus Christ is, we have people who would be glad to assist you. We occasionally run a six week study course called ‘Christianity Explained’.
If you are just starting out in following Christ, we also have people who can help you. We’d especially encourage you to join one of our small groups which study the Bible together.
Our Church Family
Our local church is not a building but a family of God’s people who meet together so that we might encourage one another to live each day for Jesus. We hope you will feel the warmth of our welcome and will feel free to share in the church family. After church we share a cuppa and a chat in the church hall. We also share informally at other times as well.
Keep Growing!
We all need to keep on growing in our Christian life that we might know God more and be more like the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, we have small groups which meet weekly to learn more about what the Bible says and how it relates to practical living today.
Our Goals
These are summarised in our aim as shown above. We want to know Christ more, through the study of the Bible, and growing to be more like him. We want others to know the blessings of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We realise that we are far from being the perfect church. We aim to be more like the Lord Jesus Christ and to demonstrate his love to everyone.
Church Leadership
As a Presbyterian Church we are governed by a group of elders (known as a Session). They are responsible for the leadership and spiritual oversight of the church. The Session Clerk is Hendro Harsojo.
Our Minister is Rev Bruce Hammonds. Perhaps you have a problem you would like to talk over with someone in confidence. You might like to know more about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Or you may like to know more about what our church does or teaches. Please feel free to ask either of them.
Want to Know More?
Contact our minister, Rev Bruce Hammonds, on 0412 271 370